Bunching Figures
1: The distribution of tax units by income level, plotted with the net federal tax transfer. These figures are displayed separately by filing status (married or single+head-of-household), number of dependents (zero to three), self employment status (yes or no), and year (1996 to 2014).
2: The distribution of tax units by income level, with the total number of tax units and number of wage earner tax units displayed separately. The difference between the two histograms is the distribution of self employed tax units. These figures are displayed separately by filing status (married or single+head-of-household), number of dependents (zero to three), and year (1996 to 2014).
Bunching Counts
1. The total count of bunchers, displayed separately by XXX, YYY, and ZZZ.
2. The total count of bunchers near refund-maximizing kinks, broken out by XXX, YYY, and ZZZ.